Mary is highly respected as the mother of Jesus, but we must not forget Joseph's role as caretaker of the family. In fact, Joseph had more visions than Mary regarding Jesus and the family. And his role as protector, was vital in the early years of Jesus.
Unfortunately, after a few months away, Mary returned pregnant. The town wanted to stone her for her adulterous behavior, but Joseph had his first vision. An Angel said that all was well and that she was impregnated by the Holy Spirit of God, and to name him Jesus. He decided to drop any charges against her and took the baby as his own.
When Caesar Augustus pronounced that a census be taken, he took Mary from Nazareth and went back to his home town in Bethlehem. It was there that Mary had the baby. Sheep herders came to visit, proclaiming Angels told them about the baby and it's greatness for their people.
Eight days later they circumcised Jesus. 40 days after his birth brought him to the Temple in Jerusalem and offered two doves for the rite of purification. It was there that an older man named Simeon asked to hold Jesus...he proclaimed that his eyes had seen the Messiah of Israel and the light to the Gentiles. A prophetess named Anna also saw Jesus and mention Jesus would bring redemption to Jerusalem. Both these people confirmed what Joseph had already learned from the angel.
Between, 6 and 12 months Joseph, Mary, and the baby Jesus now lived in a Bethlehem house. The Bible does not say whether it is his or his extended family's home. That's when three Magi from the east showed up to worship and give presents to the child...gold, myrrh, and frankincense.
Soon after, Joseph received the second vision from an Angel who warned him of death...that they should leave for Egypt. Joseph took his family and lived in Egypt until it was safe. While they were away, news spread that King Herod killed many babies (up to two years old) in Bethlehem.
A few years later, and after the death of King Herod, Joseph received the third vision, and was told to return to Israel.Joseph obeyed, but avoided Bethlehem and journeyed back to Nazareth instead; where they lived for many years.
Every year, back in Israel, Joseph took his family to the temple in Jerusalem. Being of lower status, they could only afford a dove for their sacrificial animal. Jesus continued to absorb all of the scriptures in the Hebrew Bible.
When Jesus was 12, Joseph and Mary were returning with a caravan of people and thought Jesus was with one of his cousins...maybe even John, since they were both dedicated to their faith. When Mary and Joseph couldn't find Jesus in the caravan, they traced their steps back to the Temple, hoping to find him safe - either along the way or in Jerusalem. Their search ended when they found Jesus in the Temple, questioning the Rabbinic leaders on passages of scripture.
Even though people marveled at Jesus' brilliant mind, Mary reprimanded Jesus for leaving them. However, Joseph and Mary were reminded that Jesus had a greater purpose - by Jesus himself - who said his duty was to his Father (meaning Father/God). Regardless, Jesus understood how it worried his parents and never left them like that again.
Joseph and Mary had other children (James, Joses, Judas, and Simon and unnamed sisters), who not only were second in line to Jesus, but had to look up to Jesus as a big brother who did everything righteously. Jesus was highly respected in the community as a religious person, who one day could have taught scripture to others in the community.
Joseph died when Jesus was a young man. And yet he imparted all his knowledge of carpentry to Jesus before he died. Joseph was undoubtedly proud of how Jesus grew to be worthy of being the Messiah. Joseph knew of his role as step father, and was selfless in his duty to protect Jesus for his son's future role. With visions from angels, and confirmations from godly people, not to mention esteem magi from the east, it was evident he knew Jesus would one day be the Sacrificial Lamb for their nation.