Monday, September 12, 2016

America The Beautiful

On this 15th year after the Twin Towers fell, I gazed with tears of pride at the beauty of the large squares now residing where the towers once stood. The endless depths of the water cascading off the edge seem to wash the pain of the past into the abyss of the deep center.

The United States of America is just like people who are loved by many, and yet despised by a few. America depicts the essence of democracy, capitalism, and - most importantly - freedom. In providing freedom for good for so many, so too does it allow some to be selfish. But this does not mean America is any less than a wonderful country. America is beautiful in-spite of its cracks. This indicates character - not perfection. In the preamble of the constitution the founders didn't try to create a perfect union of people, but a "more perfect union."

America has been called a "melting pot" of cultures, races, and religions. There has been an evolution toward multiculturalism, not assimilation. New metaphors like "salad bowl" or "mosaic" are being used. I am cautiously optimistic this won't revert back to segregation. I say this, because in France they have what is "no-go" zones, or in Israel where whole sections of the country separate people. In both cases, it is is a modern form of segregation - where one side becomes at odds with the other. America's intention has always tried to spread the immigrants throughout the main populous, which decreases the possibility of anger and separation. If one group separates from the general population, it is my contention that only trouble will manifest itself.

Nevertheless, these are internal issues that can be discussed at a later date. For now, my question is this: Why do so many people from so many countries risk their lives to come to the United States? And how does the U.S, the only country in the world to have such a blending of cultures,  make it work?

Evidently, the U.S. holds something special inside that many other countries don't have. The U.S. has more people immigrating than any other nation in history. There are over 4 million people per year immigrating legally...this does not include the risk taken by millions immigrating illegally. It would be silly to think that so many would risk so much if the U.S. gave so little. Therefore, America has something special. Sure, it has many resources and an economy for job opportunities, but many countries have that. In America, there is hope...a great hope for a better way of life.

To put it simply, America is beautiful because of it's freedom.
PBS sums it up well with the term The Five Freedoms: Freedom to worship, freedom from oppression, freedom from want, freedom from fear, and freedom to create. Regardless of the chinks in the armor of American history, I have been so very proud to have been blessed with citizenship in a place where the country embraces its people as one.
The motto of the United States, adopted in 1776, is  e pluribus unum (Latin for "out of many, one"). Yes, regardless of the many differing cultures, we still like to think of ourselves as one...that one is Americans. It is easy to complain about small things in life, but after travelling the world, I can truly say that America is beautiful.