Friday, November 9, 2012

Bloomberg Does it Again...sigh.

I wrote a post awhile back explaining my displeasure for the way Mayor Bloomberg of New York is handling food and drink issues.
The latest news out is that Mayor Bloomberg of New York City outlawed food donations to homeless shelters because the city can't assess their salt, fat, and fiber content. What is wrong with this guy? He worries more about salt and fat content than the survival of the destitute?
I'm just plain flabbergasted.

The East Coast is suffering from a horrible storm that put thousands out of power and/or out of their homes and trying to survive another following storm. Many others are trying to help those effected by providing food, clothing, and other necessities. Even New York City marathon runners that couldn't participate in the event decided to help out by distributing goods for the needy.

Here is a link to the article that got me riled up.

After the storm Sandy devastated the coast, and any reasonable person would be pragmatic about the public good. But when it comes to food, when has Bloomberg ever been reasonable.

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